Deepanjali Dalmia

At 26, Deepanjali Dalmia decided to quit her high paying job at Ernst & Young, New York and came back to India. She had fire within for researching in the area of Personal Hygiene.
She came to know that majority of Indian women do not use sanitary pads. And the sanitary pads available in market causes cervical cancer. From that day, she started working in this direction with his team. She came out with a superb innovation of organic and natural product which was made by bamboo fibre and corn. This hygienic sanitary pad has high absorbance and no allergy effects.
Within two years she started bulk production of the product and established her company in the name of Heyday care. Her company has manufacturing units in Finland and China and packages them to India, Bangladesh, Africa and Russia.
With increase in awareness, this sanitary pad has the capability to reach each house globally and shootup the sales drastically.